18 Apr
Central London dentists tell patients all about the importance of flossing their teeth

Taking care of your oral health is not simply a matter of brushing your teeth twice a day. That is a very important factor but there are a number of other things to bear in mind too. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet and keeping sweet treats to a minimum…

17 Apr
Dental sealants from Central London dentists help protect your children’s teeth from decay

Protecting your teeth is crucial at all ages. Children can be particularly vulnerable to ailments in the mouth, not only because their teeth are still developing, but also because they lack the responsibility of adults. As parents it should be a part of your duties to ensure that your children’s…

15 Apr
Get rid of plaque to put a stop to periodontal disease, say City of London dentists

When most people think about plaque they conceive of it as a threat to their teeth. This is of course true, plaque breaks down the enamel which the usually robust layer of protection on your teeth. Painful cavities can then ensue which need to be filled by a dentist. But…

13 Apr
Practical information about dental implants from London dentists

For those who have suffered from the pain and indignity of tooth loss, there are a number of options available to replace those teeth. Your dentist will probably talk you through each of them and advise you about the pros and cons. One procedure that people often have plenty of…

12 Apr
Central London dentists help patients to determine the causes of dental cavities

You only get one set of healthy, natural teeth. The options for replacing them are varied and hugely effective but you will probably want to do your best to keep your original, natural set in good working order. One of the biggest dangers threatening the health of your teeth is…

11 Apr
London dentists tell patients that dental bridges are a good option for replacing lost teeth

Losing some teeth can be a traumatic experience indeed and you might feel that, in the process, your dignity has been compromised. The main causes of tooth loss are gum disease, dental decay and one off accidents affecting the mouth. The important next step is to get the teeth replaced…