09 Aug
Lost a few teeth? London dentists can fix it using dental bridges

Losing teeth can occur at any time as the result of an accident or a period of poor oral health. Hopefully it is something that most people will never have to deal with but if it does happen then you will have to have your missing teeth replaced with something….

08 Aug
Central London dentists improve patients’ smiles by carrying out cosmetic dentistry

Dentists are not only concerned with the health of your mouth, they can also carry out a variety of procedures which are designed to improve the look of your teeth and gums too. These two areas are of course related because a healthy mouth usually looks better too but a…

05 Aug
Dentists in the City of London replace unsightly metal fillings with cosmetic bonding

Cavities can form in teeth as a result of plaque that is left on teeth. So acidic is plaque that it causes the enamel to erode and holes to be formed. If this process is not stopped then teeth will lose their functionality. Regular visits to the dentist ought to…

04 Aug
London dentists tell patients all about chewing gum benefits

In the past chewing gum did not exactly have a great reputation. It seemed to be synonymous with rebellious youth and perhaps even a disrespectful attitude. Nowadays, more and more people are recognising that chewing gum can actually have dental benefits. Read on to find out more about how chewing…

03 Aug
Dentistry is changing at Central London dentists: find out how with CEREC

Any increase in the speed with which something can be carried out is a good thing as long as the work retains its quality. The increases in speed attached to modern dentistry are just the ticket because it means that patients need to spend less time at the dentist but…

02 Aug
City of London dentists encourage patients not to neglect their brushing and flossing

It should only take up a small proportion of your day but when you brush your teeth and floss them you will be improving your oral hygiene and lessening the chances of developing a number of undesirable dental ailments. Just by following a simple set of principles, you can brush…