10 Sep
Looking after your Kids Teeth in London

It’s a lovely time for any couple when they decide to settle down, get married maybe and decide to start a family- it truly is a romantic adventure you are about to embark on in London, but to make that adventure work, there is a lot of time that you…

08 Sep
Dealing with Dry Sockets in Central London

Having a tooth pulled is not such a big deal these days in central London, what with all the wonderful drugs a dentist can fill you with before having it removed. However, depending on how traumatic the ‘pulling’ is, especially in the case of wisdom teeth, depends on how when…

06 Sep
Dental Implants and London

Dentistry has seen many changes over the years- barely 40 years ago, most procedures, though efficient, could be very complex and painful for the patient- root canals, bridges, crowns and dental implants. However, computers and lasers have refined procedures so much that all of these treatments have been brought to…

05 Sep
Coming to terms with Bad Breath in Central London

If you are in the public eye every day, dealing with customers or just being flamboyant with your adoring public, you have to maintain a certain persona in order to keep yourself on the ball in central London- the way you dress, the way you smile and the way you…

04 Sep
Getting a Root Canal in the City of London

With the improvements in technology, dentists in the city of London have been able to make great strides in offering the best procedures for their patients. A lot of this has been down to lasers which have started to replace the drill and scalpel, and that give the patient virtually…

03 Sep
The torment of a Tooth Abscess in London

Some problems come and go in the mouth without causing too much stress and anyway, can often be easily fixed by your dentist in London. But, if you get a tooth abscess flare up in your mouth, this is something that is not so matter of fact for in some…