Tag: Bruxism
Could a trip to the dentist ease your sleep troubles?
If you have trouble sleeping, your first port of call is probably your GP, but have you thought about seeing your dentist? There are myriad reasons why you might be finding it tough to snooze soundly, and some have dental connections. If you regularly wake with headaches, you live with…
READ ARTICLEDon’t Let Bruxism Blight A Beautiful Smile
Have you ever woken up with headaches, migraines or pain around your jaw? Does your jaw or your facial muscles feel tense or stiff? Has anyone ever told you that you grind your teeth in your sleep? If so, we may have a solution. Bruxism, also known as tooth grinding,…
READ ARTICLEOvercoming Bruxism in the City of London
Stress is one of those conditions that can creep up without you noticing it and then manifest itself in strange and different ways, especially in a go-get it place like the city of London which demands so much of you. One of the most damaging side effects of stress is…
READ ARTICLEThe Hidden Danger of Bruxism In The City of London
Most conditions and problems that arise in the mouth are quite obvious and can be put right straight away, but it’s the ones that are not quite so immediately obvious that can do the most damage without you even knowing at first, bruxism being one of them. It’s the term…
READ ARTICLEBrutal Bruxism in the City of London
In a busy area like the city of London, it comes with all the glamour and bright lights you expect from a city, but it can be quite expensive to survive in as well and on a day to day basis, that can place unwanted burdens on your shoulders as…
READ ARTICLEBattling with Bruxism in the City of London
For all of its zest and beauty that the city of London possesses, it can also come at a cost: it moves at such a tremendous pace and it can often wear you out, let alone the stress of keeping a job going whilst you fly around the place like…