16 Dec
Correct your smile with incredible Invisalign see-through braces from Central London dentists

For many years orthodontic practice relied on metal braces to correct misaligned and crooked teeth. The metal brackets and wires are effective but can easily trap food, be uncomfortable and lead to the wearer feeling embarrassed by the appearance of their smile. Being able to wear a brace that is…

15 Sep
Flexible Inman aligners from Central London dentist

Have you ever wanted to put the finishing touches to your smile by straightening any slightly uneven or crooked teeth. Even a slight misalignment can really affect the appearance of a smile but now straightening any defects is easier than ever using the latest in orthodontic straightening devices from the…

06 Sep
City of London dentist shows what cosmetic dentistry could do for you

We all have parts of our bodies that we don’t particularly like. This could be a little excess weight around the hips or possibly even the colour of our hair. However, these are things that we can change either by dieting or by changing hair colour. But what happens when…

16 Feb
Correct crooked teeth with veneers from Central London dentist

Many people have slightly crooked teeth which is not serious enough to warrant orthodontic teeth straightening with fixed metal braces. Temporary aligners may be an option for minor straightening issues but these can often take months and involve all the discomfort of wearing a brace. One other alternative is to…

01 Oct
Braces from City of London dentist have patients smiling again

Everyone dreams of having straight teeth. For some people this happens naturally, for others smiled upon less favourably by Mother Nature, it requires a bit of artificial assistance. When most children start to enter their teenage years it is fairly evident to the dentist if their teeth are developing crooked…

10 May
Reshape or Sculpt Your Teeth with the Help of London Dentists

Advances in cosmetic dentistry have allowed London dentists to reshape or remold your problem teeth. A dental procedure touted to change the appearance of a person’s problem tooth, teeth contouring is regarded as a quick and painless dental cosmetic treatment. Teeth’s contouring is the solution to several dental problems, including:…