06 Oct
London dentist calms patient with dental phobia

Fear of the dentist is one of our most common fears. A recent study in the UK found that over 90 per cent of people admit to a fear of paying a visit to the dentist’s chair. For the most part, that fear is a mild and conquerable. This is…

21 Sep
London dentist eases fears with hypnosis

In a recent study it was found that 93 per cent of the British public are afraid of going to the dentist. Most people’s fears stemmed from unpleasant or frightening experiences they had had at dentists in the past. For others, it was the lack of control and for many…

13 Apr
Sedation Dentistry is now being offered in Central London

Your Central London dentist can use sedation dentistry to make sure that you have an anxiety-free dental visit, and that you are relaxed during treatment. Dental anxiety and phobia are the cause of a lot of people avoiding the dentist. Your Central London dentist explains that the purpose of sedation…

02 Apr
London Dentists Help With Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety occurs frequently, and seems to occur more frequently in men than women. Even patients that seek regular dental care experience dental anxiety. Dental anxiety affects patients, but can also cause undue stress and anxiety on the dental staff and even the dentist. People with dental anxiety usually do…

28 Jun
London dentist extracts tooth under hypnosis

Speaking from personal experience extractions are extremely uncomfortable. Firstly you have to deal with the thought of getting an injection inside your mouth where even a simple cheek bite hurts like hell! Then you have to deal with dentists try to yank out really stubborn teeth out of your mouth!…

11 May
Visit a dental spa in London

The stark white waiting room, antiseptic smells, shiny white uniforms, glistening silver pointy instruments, patients with varying expression of pain and the sonic whine of the dental drill; everything just invokes a mental picture of terrific pain starting in a few minutes and guaranteed to torture you! A normal person…