17 Jun
No more loose dentures with mini-implants from City of London dentists

Dentures are the perfect way to replace teeth that have been lost to decay or physical trauma. Not only do they replace the aesthetic appearance of the teeth but they also support facial tissue and prevent unseemly sagging of the skin. But dentures can have their problems, as many wearers…

11 Jun
The restorative power of dentures from City of London dentist

Over the course of your life your teeth and gums are constantly under attack from bacteria and plaque that damage the teeth and cause dental problems. In some cases this can result in losing teeth due to severe decay. Having missing teeth not only looks unattractive but can have wider…

13 May
Dentures don`t have to be a burden; says a Central London dentist

Dentures have been with us since just after the plough was invented, in the distant past they consisted of animal teeth, sea shells, ivory, bone and even wood, Benjamin Franklin had a polished set of wooden dentures that he wore with pride says a Central London dentist. Today dentures are…

09 Apr
Sturdy dental implants from London dentist

If you have ever lost a tooth you will know that not only is it a painful experience, whether lost to dental trauma or decay, but also that the missing tooth can be a source of great embarrassment, especially if it is in a prominent place in the mouth. Missing…

09 Feb
Restore your confidence with dentures from London dentist

Losing some or all of your teeth can be a very traumatic not to mention painful experience. It can affect your speech, facial muscles and your ability to eat many types of food but there is a solution. Although dentures have had a stigma attached in the past for being…

22 Dec
Anxiety-free dentures with mini-implants from City of London dentist

Wearing dentures can be a real burden, especially if loose or ill fitting dentures are constantly falling out or irritating the gums. This can be a cause of great anxiety for wearers and can often lead patients to resort to rather unpleasant denture adhesives for added security. But now there…