18 Aug
Knocking yourself out at a dentists in London

For all its brash boasts of advances in technology and treatments, some people in London people still ‘hate’ going to the dentists and seems that it is going to take a while, if ever, before we arrive at the point where, in some of our minds, going to the dentists…

15 Aug
Getting Crowned in London

Any damage or tooth loss to your mouth requires immediate treatment in London in order to re-address the healthy balance to your mouth and to ensure your teeth and smile continues to look fantastic and after the initial treatment to the affected area, chances are you’ll need to be fitted…

11 Aug
Shaping your Teeth in London

Teeth contouring are one of those lesser known cosmetic treatments in London that helps to bring the smile into line by shaping out-of-shape or maybe chipped teeth and bringing them into alignment with the rest of your smile, and it is all about your smile too. If you look at…

08 Aug
The old and grey Fillings in London

Amalgam fillings seem to have been coming in for a lot of criticism in London over the last decade and having them done just doesn’t seem a good idea any more. On a vanity level, they certainly don’t get the backing of these make-over dandies that present these beauty shows…

04 Aug
Overcoming Tooth Decay in London

Tooth decay is one of those conditions you rather try to avoid in London; however, as long as you retain a high level oral hygiene and keep up your bi-yearly dental check-ups, you should have no problem doing so. Plaque seems to be where every problem in the mouth begins…

01 Aug
Ganging up on Gum Disease in London

Gum disease at some point and in some form, will affect over 70% of people in living in London and once you get it, it’s difficult to get rid of as it is so persistent. In its infancy you probably wouldn’t see the early signs of it. It begins when…