15 Jul
Orthodontic straightening with Invisalign from City of London dentist

When you think of the perfect smile you think of healthy looking, pink gummed, white teeth all in a straight line. Looking after your teeth and gums with oral hygiene will keep the gums pink and the teeth white but there is little you can do naturally to ensure the…

15 Jun
Straighter smile in just six months with Inman aligner from Central London dentist

Having straight teeth is really important for having a great looking smile. However, not everyone is born with naturally straight and healthy looking teeth but there are options for those of us who have to rely on orthodontic treatment. Braces have been around for many years but in the last…

07 May
Comparing the Invisalign to conventional braces by a London dentist

Even if you`ve never had one, you will have seen someone with a brace on their teeth. Usually that happens when we are still at school, but some of us didn`t get them and as adults we still have crooked or misaligned teeth, a London dentist has advised. The conventional…

01 May
Revolutionary Six Month Smile brace from Central London dentist

Orthodontics has undergone something of a revolution in the last ten years. There are a number of new straightening tools on the market to suit the needs of all patients. One of the latest and most impressive is called the Six Month Smile braces, so called because it aims to…

03 Dec
Cutting edge teeth straightening with Six Month Smile form City of London dentist

A crooked or uneven smile can be a source of great embarrassment for many people. It can be the root cause of low self-confidence and self-esteem but there is no need to suffer any longer. Orthodontic teeth straightening is not the same process it was twenty or even ten years…

10 May
Enhance Your Looks with 21st-Century London Orthodontics

London dentists have all the modern orthodontics technology to align your teeth and give you that perfect smile without the pain, discomfort and long periods of adjustments associated with traditional braces. Nowadays they have at least four kinds of contemporary orthodontics techniques to align your teeth to enhance your looks…