01 Mar
London Dentist Outlines the Symptoms of an Abscessed Tooth

What causes tooth abscesses? A tooth trauma can trigger the formation of an abscess. Tooth traumas include blows to the jaw, loosened teeth, chipped and broken teeth. Tooth decay can also be named as a leading cause of abscesses as severe tooth decay can actually lead to the infection at…

01 Dec
The Symptoms and Dangers of Tooth Abscess Discussed by Your Dentist in London

An abscessed tooth refers to the problem of a bacterial infection occurring in the pulp of your tooth. When pus is enclosed in the root of your tooth between the gum and a tooth, you will experience the severe pain of an abscessed tooth. It is quite a painful problem…

11 Feb
Fighting Abscess, Tooth Pain in London

Being struck down with a tooth abscess in London is no laughing matter, nor is it to be ignored either. When an abscess erupts in the mouth, immediate treatment should be sort; apart from the excruciating pain that it can cause, it can quickly infect the bloodstream with toxins and…

01 Oct
Prevent tooth abscess with visit to London dentist

Dental infections can be very nasty and unpleasant. Not only can they be very painful, but they can also result in lost teeth and wider health complications such as heart disease. One of the ways a dental infection manifests itself and spreads, is in the form of a dental abscess….

02 Feb
City of London dentists prevent spread of dangerous tooth abscesses

Tooth abscesses are one of the most painful and least pleasant of all the dental conditions. Abscesses are caused when tooth decay has caused a breach in the protective enamel which has allowed bacteria to penetrate to the centre of the tooth and infect the nerve area. The human body…

16 Dec
Root canal treatment from City of London dentist prevents infection

A root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, is a procedure specifically designed to deal with infected matter or decay located in the centre of the tooth. To fully understand the procedure you must first know that the teeth are made of several layers of different material. On the outside…