Tag: Xerostomia
The dodgy link between Xerostomia and Cavities in Central London
Xerostomia is a one of those conditions that doesn’t seem that bad on paper, but in reality, it can play havoc in the mouth in central London. It is essentially a dry mouth; now this can be caused by taking lots of medication, smoking a lot, recreational drugs or having…
READ ARTICLEXerostomia and Dental Cavities in Central London
There are many things that can cause us to suffer from a dry mouth or ‘xerostomia’ in central London (aside from the pollution), lifestyle for one. If we have a bad habit of drinking too much, smoking and have a poor diet to boot, this can lead to the falling…
READ ARTICLECentral London dentists help patients deal with xerostomia so that dental cavities are avoided
There can be a number of potential causes for dental cavities forming in teeth. Neglecting to brush and floss properly is a common one. What fewer people are aware of is the fact that having a persistently dry mouth can also be a contributing factor. This condition is called xerostomia…
READ ARTICLECentral London dentists help patients with xerostamia so that cavities are avoided
The development of holes in your teeth, known as cavities, is definitely something to be avoided. Teeth cannot grow back once a hole has formed in them and you will need to have a filling installed to protect the rest of the tooth. Most people are aware of the main…
READ ARTICLEXerostomia and Dental Cavities in Central London
The condition of xerostomia, or dry mouth, can raise serious issues in the mouth unless it is tackled head on. Most dentists in central London will have a view on the treatment of problem but the diagnosis and treatments are pretty much universal. This condition is more prevalent among those…
READ ARTICLEXerostomia can cause dental cavities in Central London
If you take medication, or have had some form of radio therapy in central London of late, there is a good chance that you may suffer from some form of xerostomia or dry mouth. One of the biggest side effects of this problem is the loss of saliva to the…