10 May
Get That Perfect Smile from London Teeth Whitening Techniques

Nowadays, people who want to whiten their teeth to enhance their looks have a lot of options to choose from, ranging from the minimally effective but cheaper whitening gels to the more expensive but quick-result laser teeth whitening procedure. But to get the best results and to prevent any damage…

10 May
Enhance Your Looks with 21st-Century London Orthodontics

London dentists have all the modern orthodontics technology to align your teeth and give you that perfect smile without the pain, discomfort and long periods of adjustments associated with traditional braces. Nowadays they have at least four kinds of contemporary orthodontics techniques to align your teeth to enhance your looks…

09 May
London Dentists Suggest Ways on How to Have Fresh Breath Always

Bad breath or halitosis can be a caused for people to stay away from you. Covering your mouth every time you speak can be tiring and degrading. Good news is, fresh breath is not that hard to achieve. You just have to understand what causes bad breath and to follow…

09 May
Fast Teeth Restoration Using CEREC Technology in London

Teeth restoration need not be time-consuming. With CEREC technology, your London dentist could custom-design and fit a new veneer, crown, inlay or onlay in just a single visit. Gone are the days when you have to wait for two weeks to complete a teeth restoration procedure. A dental restoration product,…

09 May
Invisalign Procedure in London

Want to have the kind of smile that celebrities have? Try Invisalign. A revolutionary orthodontic appliance, Invisalign is designed to correct misshapen teeth and close gaps between teeth. These invisible aligners or braces as they are popularly known, is a great improvement from metal-wire braces traditionally used in orthodontics. London…

09 May
Safe Amalgam Fillings in London Dental Clinics

Despite the controversy surrounding the application of amalgam fillings because of its mercury content, many people are still going to their London dentists to have their teeth repaired with amalgam fillings. Amalgam fillings consist of liquid mercury, silver and shavings of tin, copper or zinc. Why are amalgam fillings still…