14 May
Should we still be using Fluoride in our water and toothpaste; asks a City of London dentist

As children we were always told of the wonders of Fluoride in the water, but is it really that important in an age when we drink so much bottled water asks a City of London dentist. The simple answer is yes, and the main reason for that is that Fluoride…

13 May
Dentures don`t have to be a burden; says a Central London dentist

Dentures have been with us since just after the plough was invented, in the distant past they consisted of animal teeth, sea shells, ivory, bone and even wood, Benjamin Franklin had a polished set of wooden dentures that he wore with pride says a Central London dentist. Today dentures are…

13 May
How good are commercial Oral Care products? A London dentist advises

We all buy Oral Care products and we all use them, but just how good are they and do they really do what they claim to do asks a London dentist. Most of the products we buy these days will contain the usual suspects, so to speak, these are chemicals…

12 May
Missing teeth are easily replaced with a Dental Bridge, says a City of London dentist

A dental bridge is a unique and crafty way to have a missing tooth replaced without all the fuss and time involved with a dental implant. It is a painless and quick solution that has been very successfully performed for many decades, and it doesn’t cost a fortune says a…

12 May
Teeth Whitening; what’s available and how it works. By a City of London dentist

Its known as a `Smile Makeover` and it involves whitening your teeth. White, smooth and healthy looking teeth are all the rage; especially now that science has come up with ingenious ways to do it advises a City of London dentist. In the not too distant past cosmetic dentistry was…

11 May
A Dental Emergency just needs a little bit of forward thinking; says a Central London dentist

We have a plan when the car breaks down, we are covered by insurance if a pipe bursts and all of these come with a number and a procedure that works. When it comes to a Dental Emergency we are usually completely lost as to what to do, and how…