13 Jan
Spread a Healthy Smile With An Inman Aligner in London

Some of us may have missed the boat in London when it came to getting our teeth fixed at an early age and may well have resigned ourselves that we are stuck with those rather crooked teeth- and stubbornly, we certainly don’t want to indulge in any long term teeth…

12 Jan
Painless Dentistry in Central London with Waterlase

The invention of the laser has had as much of an impact in central London as the computer. It’s used in all walks of life, from engineering, to lighting displays through to medical procedures. So, it was only a matter of time before it found its way into the dentist’s…

11 Jan
Should You Use Fluoride or Not in London

It has always been pretty much of a given that fluoride is meant to be in toothpaste- when can you ever remember it not to be. These guys who make the stuff know what they’re talking about right? It’s amazing the amount of trust we place in others and their…

10 Jan
Stop Grinding Teeth In Your Sleep in the City of London

In the City of London, it’s a pretty good bet that you might not know if you suffer from grinding your teeth in your sleep, but the problem can become very serious if untreated. More commonly known as Bruxism, teeth grinding can be caused by a number of things. Stress…

09 Jan
Why You Need to be Concerned About Central Apnea in London

In London, much of our breathing is regulated by the brain when we are awake, however, we can interrupt normal breathing cycles and signals to the brain without even knowing, causing fluctuations in heart rate, blood flow and changes in nerve responses. This is more common in the transition between…

08 Jan
Tooth and Gum Disease in the City of London

Gum and tooth disease in the city of London go together like eggs and bacon, one goes hand in hand with the other and gum disease can affect over 50% of us. And unfortunately, it can go unnoticed until it develops into something more sinister like tooth decay. More worrying,…