01 Aug
Ganging up on Gum Disease in London

Gum disease at some point and in some form, will affect over 70% of people in living in London and once you get it, it’s difficult to get rid of as it is so persistent. In its infancy you probably wouldn’t see the early signs of it. It begins when…

23 May
Grave Gingivitis in London

Gingivitis can cause mayhem in your mouth in London: This disease inflames and infects the tissues that support your teeth, the gums and the tooth sockets themselves. Again and again, all problems in the mouth stem from plaque and once this is allowed to harden into tartar, it attacks the…

21 May
How to take on Oral Cancer in London

There is never any easy way to prepare yourself for the fight against oral cancer, but you shouldn’t just lie down either.This disease is on the increase in London- is it down to lifestyle, stress of the city, poor diet, nasty habits….we don’t quite know, but if you have got…

08 May
Ghastly Gum Disease in London

Gum disease in London is evil: make no mistake about how dangerous this condition is because not only does it wreak havoc in your mouth, it can cause damage throughout your body too.Gum disease is a direct result of poor oral hygiene, that and avoiding the dentist. The idea behind…

03 May
Dangerous dental disease in London

There are many dangerous dental diseases that can crop up in the mouth and though this is what all dentistry is based on in London, the prevention of such evils, it is important that you know the signs and learn to prevent them as well going to the dentist. It…

26 Apr
Sensitive Teeth are Causing Problems in the City of London

Tooth sensitivity may cause individuals to flinch with discomfort when breathing in cold or hot air or consuming foods and drinks of fluctuating temperatures. Acidic and sweet foods may have the same effect. If you are living in, or visiting the City of London and are experiencing tooth sensitivity, it…