22 Apr
Getting it Right- Toothbrushes in London

Green brushes, red brushes, short brushes, tall brushes, bent brushes, straight brushes, hard bristles, soft bristles, electric or battery- all from a factory……You could go on for ever about the amount of toothbrushes on offer in London, there’s a hell of a of choice out there and some would say…

25 Feb
Wisdom teeth pain in the City of London

When your wisdom teeth start to develop and break through into the mouth, it can be a very painful time indeed, (bare that in mind when you have children). In some cases, the teeth will not show themselves at all, choosing to grow in all manner of directions under the…

24 Feb
Getting Tooth decay treatment in London

However much we try to take care of our teeth in London, at some point in our lives, tooth decay will form in our mouths. Tooth decays starts where bacteria is allowed to thrive in the mouth- feeding off foods and sugars that get stuck between our teeth and gums,…

18 Feb
Dental Sealants for Children in the City of London

Children in the city of London are very vulnerable to tooth decay and it’s important to undertake all precautions possible to allow the teeth to develop healthily into adulthood. One of the best methods to combat the problem is the application of dental sealants. Designed more specifically for children, they…

17 Feb
Cleaning your Teeth when wearing braces in Central London

A lot of braces and aligners that are fitted in central London these days are removable, which is great for maintaining a good program of oral hygiene. But if you’ve had the misfortune to be fitted with a fixed brace, extra care needs to be taken when cleaning the teeth…

04 Feb
Gum Disease and Halitosis in the City of London

If you suffer from halitosis in the city of London, there’s a good chance that you may be suffering from gum disease as well, for the causes of both these problems are very similar. Poor oral hygiene is the main offender- if foods are not removed from the mouth, pungent…