02 Apr
Discover the possibility of braces at London dentist

For people of a certain generation, the idea of braces conjure up a certain image. Ugly, uncomfortable metal ‘train-track’ braces full of wires and metal brackets. Thankfully, and fortunately, for today’s younger generation, braces have developed since then and there is now a wide variety of different kinds of braces…

02 Jan
Six week straightening with Inman aligner from Central London dentist

The Inman aligner is a revolutionary orthodontic straightening device that has the incredible advantage of being able to straighten teeth in only six to sixteen weeks. Considering that some conventional braces can take up to two years of treatment to gain results, this really is a leap forward in straightening…

18 Nov
75 per cent faster straightening with Inman aligner from City of London dentist

For most patients who are told they need braces the major factor is not the discomfort or their unseemly appearance, it is the length of treatment. With some conventional braces treatment times can run from months into years. Fortunately, the advances in dental technology have brought with them new and…

20 Oct
City of London dentist uses Inman aligner to straighten teeth

For patients who require braces, it can be a long and uncomfortable experience, not to mention the unseemly appearance of metal braces in the mouth. For patients requiring only minor adjustments it can be too big a sacrifice to wear metal braces just to achieve a minor improvement, especially for…

01 Oct
Braces from City of London dentist have patients smiling again

Everyone dreams of having straight teeth. For some people this happens naturally, for others smiled upon less favourably by Mother Nature, it requires a bit of artificial assistance. When most children start to enter their teenage years it is fairly evident to the dentist if their teeth are developing crooked…

10 May
Enhance Your Looks with 21st-Century London Orthodontics

London dentists have all the modern orthodontics technology to align your teeth and give you that perfect smile without the pain, discomfort and long periods of adjustments associated with traditional braces. Nowadays they have at least four kinds of contemporary orthodontics techniques to align your teeth to enhance your looks…