Tag: tooth sensitivity
Consult your London Dentist for Information on Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity can be defined as the tingling feeling or the flash of pain that can be constantly or intermittently felt on all the teeth or one or more teeth. This is a very common condition that affects many people worldwide and can be caused by various reasons;• Aging –…
READ ARTICLEOver Brushing Teeth in London
Although brushing your teeth after each meal is considered to be hygienic, there is what dental experts in London refer to as over brushing. In fact, there is an increasing trend of dental problems associated with this brushing behavior. Studies have revealed that the incidence of over brushing is currently…
READ ARTICLEThe Benefits of Having Gum Grafting Done in London
Over the course of your life, poor brushing habits and other issues may cause gum loss. While your dentist can help you avoid some of these problems, you may eventually need to have gum grafting in order to save your teeth. Today, you can visit a dentist in London and…
READ ARTICLETooth Sensitivity Treated in City of London
Tooth sensitivity can be caused by temperature changes in your mouth, acidic foods and beverages, sweets, and touching the exposed dentin of your tooth if there is any, allowing a connection between the outer part of your tooth and its pulp. When you visit your City of London dentists, they…
READ ARTICLETooth Pain? Visit Your London Dental Clinic
If you are experiencing tooth pain, you should immediately call and make an appointment to visit your London dentist. Your tooth pain can be rapidly alleviated by your London dentist, and may not be as bad as it appears. However, if you let it go for awhile, and the cause…
READ ARTICLELondon Dentist Offers Help with Tooth Sensitivity
Your London Dental Clinic can help you with tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is caused by abrupt changes in intraoral temperatures, acidic foods and beverages, and sweets, touching your tooth in an area where there is communication between the outside of your tooth and pulp. Tooth sensitivity causes and treatment will…